Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don’t drive when you feel sleepy!

Every year, there’re over 100,000 accidents and 1500 deaths are caused by driver fatigue. Lacking sleep directly affect our reaction time, judgment and ability to concentrate. When you are driving under the lacking sleep condition, this can be especially dangerous. 

Avoiding falling asleep while driving is one of the most efficient way to avoid car accident.  Caffeine, stimulants and other tricks may revive you temporarily; however, these things are not reliable and do not work for long periods of time.

Actually, the best solution to driver fatigue is to avoid being tired. How to ensure that? First of all, we have to make sure we have enough time to sleep, at least seven to nine hours, and plan on setting aside this time before a long driving trip.

Secondly, we have to take a break during our drive. That will allow us to stretch, move and wake up.  So, if you feel sleepy on high way, please stop aside and walk out of your car and have a fresh breath. That will refresh your brain and wake you upIf possible, a quick twenty minutes nap is also a better choice.   Next, in order to avoid car accident, we have to arrive our destination before midnight. In fact, the time between midnight and early morning is the period when our body most wants to be sleeping. This is the most dangerous time to be driving in respect to sleep.  Trying your best to avoid driving during this period and decrease the probability to involve in a car accident and protect yourself.

Additionally, I also have some useful tips for all of you to wake up your brains. Try to put some soy candies on your car, and have one if you feel a bit sleepy. The soy candies will help you refresh your brain and wake you up. Except this, you can also turn off your heat and open a gap for both side of windows, which will cause fresh air filling in your car and more oxygen will come in as well.  Whatever you want to do, please make sure you don’t drive when you feel very sleepy and almost falling in sleep. You’d better pull over and take a quick nap. Do you guys have any other good ideas about how to wake up when we feel sleepy? Leave the message here.

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